Thursday, July 31, 2008

Welcome from Brenda

Hi Everyone!

This is so exciting – our very own blog! I never thought I’d be doing this in a million years. But, at least, now you don’t have to listen to me ranting and raving over these horrible-for-you processed foods and the FDA and food allergies and medication and. . . . Well, you can just read it all here and I promise not to say another word (unless you ask, of course!)

I love, love, love food but have found in the past years that certain foods do not love ME! And I’m not the only one. There are thousands of people walking around with food allergies or sensitivities but have no idea! I’ve also found out so many other things about food, nutrition, and our whole way of eating in America that I just need an outlet for all I’ve learned. Nutrition so fascinated me that I even decided to take a course and get certified as a Nutrition Specialist!

I think you will be surprised by the information that Heidi and I provide on this blog. I pray that God will use it to bless your lives and make you aware of possible dangers in your own home and also to make you aware of how you can make your body strong and healthy all on your own.

More posts to come soon – thanks for reading!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Welcome from Heidi

Hello, dear friends!

I have invited you to sneak a peek at something I do with a passion - research! I am also very passionate about making myself and my family as "chemical free" as possible. And since I delve into this subject time and time again, coming up with all kinds of information, I really wanted to pass on some of what I am learning, hoping that you're passionate about keeping yourself and your kids safe as well. So hey, Brenda and I will do all the work, and you just come read our info from time to time, okay? I personally want to talk more about the "don'ts", what to avoid, point out what things we might never have known are carcinogens and toxins. We all have known someone, probably several people, who have been diagnosed with cancer. I'm out to fight it on the home front - get rid of things that may lead to cancer or other devastating illnesses. I can't speak with medical authority, but I can pass on what I'm learning, hoping to keep you and your loved ones as healthy as possible. Thanks for listening, and Brenda and I will let you know each time we have more to share. God bless!